Signaling and Track Works

Signaling and Track Works

At Hitech, we have the required expertise and recourses to deliver quality, efficient and competitive rail services. We provide complete installation, testing and commissioning of wayside and indoor signaling equipment; assist in testing procedures, dismantling of old/obsolete equipment and maintenance services for signaling systems. We offer customized solutions that can be used to build a new railway infrastructure or over laid on existing systems. Our primary goal is the continuity of operation through post-installation / lifetime support, increased performance, cost-effectiveness and efficient operations.

Some of the Services offered by Hitech include:

  • Underground Cable Laying (Power, Signal, Telecom & Fiber Optic Cable)
  • Track Circuits
  • Point Machines along with all accessories
  • Magnetic Key Lock
  • Signals & Signals Posts
  • Junction / Joint Boxes
  • Power Supply with Backup Facilities
  • CBI (Computer Based Interlocking) Equipment placement
  • Control Equipment placement
  • Axle Counters